We roam, travel, shop, and work like human beings. But what if you feel all your activities are under surveillance and eyes have been watching what you’re doing and where you’re now? Perhaps, you can sense that our today’s post will highlight the most underrated problem of advanced technology, location tracking.

This is the 21st century, but we are imprisoned and constantly under-watched. Since you started using social media with a smartphone, activating your GPS to reach your destination, and shopping online to receive the item at your doorstep, you have become easy prey for several marketing companies. The location privacy is compromised with others, including government officials, to track down your current location anytime.

People of the new generation hardly think that location tracking can be deadly and a severe life threat anytime and can devastate your existence. Unfortunately, it's a serious issue that you hardly talk about that with your family, friends, relatives, or in the office. You are, however, under surveillance when you’re reading this article if you enable your smartphone’s GPS.

Location privacy

Location tracking: The Common Activities and the Consequences

Have you ever thought approximately how many times you unknowingly share your own location every day? Perhaps the answer is no. Let us explain this to you. When you order food using the food app, you share your address. You place an order on Amazon, and you share your current address. You book a cab to visit your friend’s home and activate your phone’s GPS. These are, however, daily activities that you do and share your current location with the companies. Do you know what these companies do with your location data?

If you ask this question, you will get a precise answer from the majority of your surrounding. Why? Because you’re doing what you asked to do, you follow the steps to receive food on time, items at your doorstep, or reach your destination. The way companies collect your location data and share them with third parties. And the majority follow the same without a second thought.

A quick try can make you better understand. When you search anything using your browser, and when you visit social media, you can notice pop-up commercials showing your local vendor who is selling similar items you’re surfing a few minutes back. Why your local vendor? Because when you surf products online through your phone's GPS, they trace your location. Now you’re their possible customer.

Location Data: How it’s used?

You may hear about your smartphone's privacy settings that you can open and close your location by enabling and disabling your GPS feature. But it cannot save you. However, once you disable your phone location settings, the other apps may also need a manual operation to change the location settings, which is impossible every time. In this light, your location is constantly under sharing mode and directly goes to data organization.

Marketing companies store your current location and ready product to sell to you. This is how the present business world functions and achieves its selling target by buying and using your location data. This way, your location privacy right is violated, and you fall into the wrong hands.

Wait! The game is not over here. Leave the business organization; even the law enforcement department can collect your data without prior information and use it against you by creating your profile in their system. Here comes the privacy threat, which a handful of people can understand and take proper precautions.

Location privacy

Location Data Privacy: A serious Security Threat

The location tracing becomes active when you visit your nearest restaurant, book a cab, or shop online. Then what about your privacy? The security alert from recent social gatherings and public protests may make you a jerk that you should seriously count your privacy. With similar political, and social thoughts and idealogy, you may attend rallies or gatherings with your phone and later realize your location data gets compromised.

Other than marketing organizations, several government officials and non-govt organizations collect your location data from your browser for broad usage. Sometimes, they obtain the data from your local mobile network service provider or sometimes from mobile towers without your intimation or permission.

If we are talking about your security, it means the data can use by anyone who knows about your whereabouts. For example, suppose you go to a holiday destination by locking your home. If your location data fall into the wrong hands, your house will not be safe as burglar wait to take this advantage, and you will experience the worst nightmare of burglary of your home in your absence in the town.

Some users are active on social media and constantly update their moving locations. This could lead to a deadly incident because you don’t know who is watching you and can rob you using your current location update.

A Suggestion to Secure your Location Privacy

Similar technology can become your savior when technology plays tricks, or people use technology to make you fool. We suggest you hide your location while using social media, moving to a new place, or roaming in your city with the help of a trustworthy software AWZ AnyPorter. You can manage location-related issues with compatible iOS devices and safeguard yourself with AnyPorter.

Location privacy 2

The mock location app can save you as you can fake your location, teleport your GPS, hide your real GPS, etc. and protect you from unwanted incidents. Using dating apps, you can set fake locations to find a better match or save you from online fraudsters. Further, you can customize your location settings and buy geo-restricted products unavailable for your area.

A secure location is a mandatory step to safeguard your life. Install the software, follow the instructions, and secure your every move that doesn’t let anyone know where you are now. It's the new generation of software that understands and values your privacy.

We will share a few practical tips to enhance location security to protect you.

Tips to Protect Your Location data:

  • Don’t use location on social media platforms
  • After every use, disable the Phone's GPS
  • If there’s no use, disconnect your mobile net
  • Avoid Live on social media
  • Use physical address instead of Google location Pin

Wrap Up

The surveillance of social media applications and phone settings is behind your location data threat, as various marketing organizations and several government officials collect location data from your social media profiles or mobile internet service provider. The uncertainty is grave as you must move out of the house, mingle with others, yet stay private when necessary. Your location information is your privacy right, and you must keep it with you. Use the modern-age technology AWZ AnyPorter created by AWZware to teleport your location per your preferences.



Lydia is an English columnist for AWZware. She is familiar with different technology products such as office software, location changers, and video software applications. Focused on tech blog writing, she is willing to solve your problems with up-to-date information.

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